Monday, October 27, 2008

About this Blog

A special Thanks to Michele Moyer of Penn State Dairy Alliance for organizing this tour for the Professional Dairy Managers of PA (PDMP). Without Michele getting us organized, keeping us on schedule and performing the all important head count and seat partner check at each stop, we never could have seen as much as we saw, learned as much as we learned, and been awed by the awesomeness of the Colorado Dairies that we were honored to visit.

The blog is a work in process:

October 28. Worked on Veeman Dairy post. There is much more to add and I am hoping others will join in with comments on what they learned at the dairy. Also, I hoping others will join in with comments on production and efficiency statitistics.

October 27. So far I have posted a link to a photo album at each farm. Click on the photo at each section to see the whole album for the farm featured in that post (section).

For a complete list and description of each farm that we visited, click on:

I plan to decipher my notes over the next week and continue to add to the posts.

The idea behind the blog was to gain input from the participants and to field questions from anyone who is interested in what we learned while in Colorado.

Please "Follow" this blog and post "Comments" or questions.

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